
Build a Better Experience

In 2020, 86% of buyers said they would pay more for a better experience. Do you know what a better experience means to your business and how to deliver it? We believe that any business change must be driven by data; customer experience changes must be driven by customer data.

Why Voice of the Customer?

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Increase Sales

Are your customers coming back, asking for more, and recommending you to others?

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Improve Profitability

What factors that impact the cost of serving customers can be improved?

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Simplify Processes

Does your delivery contain manual, redundant, repetitive tasks that slow it down?

What Our Customers Have Learned

Even before COVID-19, an industrial manufacturer learned that 50% of their current customers were ready to buy online rather than by phone or in-person as has been done traditionally

Limited functionality of a customer software package built by an industrial monitoring services provider left the company with $1.2-2.2M lost opportunity costs

A global consumer electronics manufacturer learned how their target population users chose and bought electronics, and what they found appealing (or not!) in the various offerings

A utility provider learned that 29% of their customers preferred to interact with customer support via asynchronous means such as email or chatbot, pointing to call center cost reduction opportunities

By bringing the voice of the customer to the table we can use insights and metrics to:

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Modernize products in the portfolio

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Invent new products or offerings

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Remove blockages to internal delivery processes and sales cycle

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Prioritize a variety of internal and external customer initiatives and pursuits

6-Week Engagement

Who Would Benefit:
  • Current or potential customers in industrial or consumer spaces

  • Company employees who provide services, products to customers

Engagement Locations :
  • Remotely via video conferencing
  • In-person on location
  • Stakeholder workshop to align on what is known about the customers and future goals, initiatives
  • Market overview to identify current trends for the industry, customer segments
  • Deep dive into current customer data to understand behaviors, hidden patterns, trends
  • One-on-one customer interviews for their candid feedback
  • One-on-one employee interviews to hear their perspectives on customer experiences and internal processes for services, products delivery
  • Customer surveys that provide metrics about their engagement, needs, opportunity areas
  • Employee surveys that provide metrics about processes and tools used to provide customer services, deliver products
  • Technical assessment of the current company ecosystem that supports customer experiences, from customer-facing to back-office tools

Voice-of-the-Customer Report

Expected Results:
  • Drive revenue and sales

  • Increase market share

  • Increase retention and customer loyalty
  • Summary of key insights from current and desired customer experience with the services, products with key opportunities, and recommendations
  • Summary of key insights from services, product delivery processes perspective, key opportunities, and recommendations
  • Recommendations for customer data collection, analysis, usage to make operational decisions
  • Assessment of the current technical landscape as it pertains to providing services, products, and key opportunity areas with recommendations
  • Customer NPS, customer loyalty drivers, digital experience baseline metrics
  • If applicable, a design prototype for a new service, product, technical platform that can increase sales and revenue, support better operations, etc.
  • Roadmap for implementing recommendations

Voice of the Customer Options


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  • 6-week Engagement
  • Full VOC Report
  • Design Prototype
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  • 6-week Engagement
  • Full VOC Report

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  • 2-week Engagement
  • Simplified VOC Report

Get in Touch

How can we help you? Let's make complex simple together.