Business Intelligence

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence (BI) solutions help identify and track key metrics across all aspects of an organization - Customer, Operational including ERP and CRM, Financial, HR/People, Strategy among others. BI converts those metrics into impactful visualizations for business decision making using dashboard tools like Tableau or PowerBI. Visualization helps interpret and track metrics easily.

What problems does this method solve?


Increased interactivity with data and key metrics

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Ability to focus on the right indicators


Easier access to key metrics that drive decisions


  • Higher adoption of unused data across all organization
  • Easier to justify ROI
  • Ability to have data flow from multiple data sources
  • Highly automated and easy to scale as high volume data is added

What Value Does It Bring to Our Customers?

The key value derived from implementing a BI solution is the ability to have large scale data accessible to be used for business decision making process.

BI tools not only help monitor what is going on today but also help ask deeper questions about the business (and answering those deeper questions requires advanced analytics and other data science methods).

BI tools create a pathway for advanced analytics/data science methods to be implemented based on understanding of key metrics across an organization.

When do we use this method?


Data Mining for Analytics pipelines outcome will help understand if the need for BI solution is aligned to the business goals of the client. This requirement analysis happens during the Discover stage of ChaiOne delivery process.

Proper data architecture definition, database schema and model development will form the broader delivery structure.

Deliverable examples:


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